Welcome to the Trans Teen Visibility Campaign!
Visibility matters for the trans community, especially for trans, nonbinary, and gender expansive teenagers. Having visibility is an indisputable and fundamental part of the modern-day experience. In recent years, there has been increasing representation and validation of the trans community in the media.
However, not all kinds of visibility are empowering and uplifting. Oftentimes trans identities are misunderstood and stigmatized, and negative stereotypes become associated with the community. This selective visibility in part contributes to the divide between the trans community and the general public. We continue to see high rates of violence and discrimination towards the trans community, and this year alone there have been hundreds of anti-transgender bills proposed in states across America, most of them targeting trans youth.
Creating positive trans visibility is one of the first steps toward making positive change. It is difficult to create social change without the voices of the community being heard, and the issues that the community face being understood by the general public. This is why we are carrying out the Trans Teen Visibility Campaign.
Mission: Educate and raise awareness among parents and the community about trans issues, and facilitate conversations and understandings between trans teens and the wider community.
Focus: Uplift the narratives of trans teens by capturing their stories and experiences, and promote existing resources available for the trans community.
Adam Spickler, Cabrillo College Trustee and local out Queer and Trans activist, shares why our campaign is so important:
I am honored to be a Santa Cruz Gives supporter of the Trans Teen Project’s Visibility Campaign, which is project of the Santa Cruz County Queer Youth Task Force. LGBTQ+ youth face so many insurmountable hurdles, even in Santa Cruz County. This is especially true for trans youth who may not have family or support networks in place to otherwise turn to for affirming and transformative supports. This is what makes the Visibility Campaign so important, and also their ongoing Unbox Me activity so special. The activity, for those who participate, is a way to fundamentally put a positive spin on how we each leave our legacies behind, to both re-discover ourselves and our journey of self-determination in the future, as well as leave this pathway of acceptance and affirmation as a light to shine for future generations. I hope you will join me in supporting this necessary project by donating through Santa Cruz Gives to the Trans Teen Project’s Visibility Campaign.
Timeline Overview:
- Phase 1
- Promotion of available resources
- Phase 2
- Unbox Me Activity
- Short Documentary films
- Phase 3
- Radio shows
Promotion of available resources:
The Trans Teen Project will promote available trans-related resources, such as websites, books, and organizations through our social media accounts and on our website.
Radio Shows:
In order to gain exposure for the trans teen visibility campaign and connect with a wider audience, our student advisors will have the opportunity to attend local radio shows such as Closet Free Radio and Talk of the Bay to share their stories, experiences, and perspectives on trans issues with the hosts.
Short Documentary Film:
The short documentary film is intended to document the process of creating the “Unbox Me Activity” and weave all the video submissions from teenagers into a complete and cohesive story. The documentary film will premiere on our official website and possibly on other social media platforms.
Are you a transgender, non-binary, or gender expansive middle or high school student in Santa Cruz County interested in joining the Student Advisory Board for the Trans Teen Visibility Campaign? Learn more at the Student Advisory Board page.
Check out the Trans Teen Visibility Project Brochure

Santa Cruz Gives 2024
The Queer Youth Task Force is proud to be part of 2024 Santa Cruz Gives Holiday Campaign. With the help of Santa Cruz Gives, we are able to fundraise for our Trans Teen Visibility Campaign. Thank you for sharing via Facebook.