Know Your Rights
- Legal Considerations (from Gender Spectrum)
- Legal and Policy Resources (from Gender Spectrum)
- Know Your Title IX
- Know Your Rights: Transgender Youth (Lambda Legal)
- Know Your Rights: A Guide for Trans and Gender-Nonconforming Students (from the ACLU and GLSEN)
- LGBTQIA+ Student Rights (from GLSEN)
- Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Students’ Rights in California Schools (from the GSA Network)
- Know Your Rights: LGBTQ Teens and Young Adults (from Lambda Legal)
- The Law and LGBTQ Youth (Lambda Legal)
- Transgender Rights (from Lambda Legal)
- Transgender Rights Toolkit (from Lambda Legal)
- Out, Safe & Respected — Your Rights at School (a Lambda Legal toolkit)
- Legal Help Desk (from Lambda Legal)
- What to Do If You’re Bullied (from Lambda Legal)
- Survival Tips for Trans Youth (from Lambda Legal)
- Equality Maps for TLGB Rights (from the Transgender Law Center)
- The School Success and Opportunity Act (AB 1266) Fact Sheet (from the Transgender Law Center)
- Fifteen Expensive Reasons Why Safe Schools Legislation is in Your State’s Best Interest (by the National Center for Lesbian Rights and the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network)
- Beyond Home and School (from Lambda Legal) — “This section is dedicated to empowering you as well as to educating the adults in your life, such as foster parents, child welfare professionals and juvenile justice professionals.”
- “Out Law: What LGBT Youth Should Know about Their Legal Rights” (by Lisa Keen)
- “Transgender Rights” (by Paisley Currah et al.)
- Beyond the Binary: A Toolkit for Gender Identity Activism in Schools (from the Transgender Law Center)
- Quick Steps You Can Take to Move Your School Beyond the Binary (from the Transgender Law Center)
Resources for transgender clients seeking legal advice and information:
- Transgender Law Center
- National Center for Lesbian Rights (Provides legal help and resources for LGBT community)
Resources for legal professionals working with the transgender community:
- Legal Issues for Transgender People (from Transsexual Road Map)
- A Practitioner’s Guide to California Transgender Law: A Reference Guide for California Lawyers and Advocates (by the Transgender Law Center)
Organizations and Resources (General)
- Regional Organizations by State (from Lambda Legal)
- California Safe Schools Coalition
- National Center for Lesbian Rights
- Transgender Law Center
- Transgender Law Center (useful reports and publications)
- Sylvia Rivera Law Project
- Lambda Legal
- Lambda Legal (En español)
- National Center for Transgender Equality
- National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
- Gay and Lesbian Advocates & Defenders
ID Documents
- “ID Please” (Transgender Law Center’s guide to changing ID documents in California)
- Gender Identity and Identity Documents California Courts
- Identity documents (from the Transgender Law Center)
- Changing Names and Gender in Santa Cruz County (from the UCSC Lionel Cantú Queer Center)
- Changing Names State-by-State Guide (from Lambda Legal)
- A Guide to Changing California and Federal Identity Documents to Match Your Gender Identity (from the Transgender Law Center)
- Passports (U.S. Department of State)
- Understanding the New Passport Gender Change Policy (from the National Center for Transgender Equality)
- California Healthy Youth Act (California Department of Education)